Hodnoty našej školy
Kalazanská vízia, ktorá vyplýva z konštitučných textov jasne vyjadruje, že cieľom nášho poslania je evanjelizovať.
Výchova, ako konkrétny spôsob evanjelizácie.
Kresťanská škola
Kresťanská škola je špecifickým prostriedkom k dosiahnutiu tejto vízie.
our staff
More photosPlay As You Learn
Learning Center
Our team is so happy to help your children develop properly through hands-on learning and fun experiences.
With Love and Care
We have the most caring and loving teachers and babysitters, so be sure our child is safe and happy with our team.
Health and Safety
Our center is supplied with the next generation equipment to ensure your child’s well-being and proper developing.
Family Support
Isn’t it a happiness to finally find out that your family has found a child care that is so loving and supporting?