
Adam Puna (IV.F) opäť víťazom!

Náš žiak, študent maturitného ročníka odboru grafik digitálnych médií, Adam Puna, už po druhýkrát za sebou obhájil svoje prvenstvo v školskom kole Olympiády z anglického jazyka a postupuje do okresného kola. Minulý rok okresné kolo vyhral a na krajskom sa umiestnil v prvej pätici účastníkov.
Nižšie si môžete prečítať Adamov názor na to, prečo je zvládnutie angličtiny v súčasnom svete kľúčovou zručnosťou. Jeho esej je dôkazom toho, aký zásadný vplyv má kvalitná literatúra na slovnú zásobu mladého človeka.
Adam, go for great, lights couldn’t be any greener for you!
(PhDr. Zuzana Gregušová)

Why is mastering English an essential skill in today’s world?  

English is the most frequently spoken language on the planet and that is for a reason. Most people in this age learn it in school, as it should be. But some – mainly the older generations, learn it by themselves. So, should English really be the language which is perceived as mandatory knowledge in today’s society? In my opinion it should! It is as close as we had ever gotten to a “universal language” and it is still growing massively. Although, people’s opinions on this topic may vary, I personally think that English as a language is the most helpful one to learn, especially in today’s world. 

Firstly, English can be a massive boost in your professional career, mainly due to the huge potential of the language as a way of communicating with people of different nations. You might never know what career opportunities you might have missed, only because of the fact you had never truly learnt English.  

Second of all, English is an amazing way of breaking the barrier between you and all the world’s different books, movies, etc. While only speaking your mother tongue might seem sufficient to you at first – if you know no other language, after mastering English, your world will open up to all the different literature works, movies and much, much more 

You never know, maybe your favorite English author might have been poorly translated to your native language and after you master English to the point of understanding the work, you could be very surprised with how different of an experience you will possibly get. 

With English being no stranger to me personally, as I truly admire the language and despite me possibly having a really biased opinion on it, I just can’t fathom people who willingly distance themselves from it.  

In my personal, totally non-biased opinion, English should be the universally spoken language. And although it may have a bunch of issues, I think it should be taught all around the globe, with people trying to be more tolerant and appreciative of the amazing results it can bring. 

– by Adam Puna (IV.F)